Have a break, have a blogbreak

Tarvitsen blogitauon ja haastan muutkin bloggaajat mukaan. Siispä viikko taukoa blogeista (ja tietokoneesta) Sen raon aion täyttää siivoamisella sekä muulla kivalla ja tärkeällä ;) Huuda hep jos oot mukana.

I need a blogbreak. And I challenge other bloggers to join me. So one blog free week (and computer free too). This spare time I will fill up by cleaning this mess (as you see) and doing fun things with my kids;) Say hep if you are in.


  1. Netti aukeaa uuteen kotiin aikaisintaan 5.6. että siihen asti ainakin yritän! Heh, no emmää kyllä onnistu... Mutta päivän pari! :)

  2. Wonderful idea! Enjoy your break :)

  3. Hey! We all need a break sometimes. I plan to take 2 long computerfree weeks myself this summer and just be in the moment... So I will join you, later on! :) I wish you a happy blogbreak filled with joy! See you when you get back...

  4. I'm in! Should work on my art AND start packing to move anyways...


  5. Great idea! I would like to have that chance too :) Free from computer?? LOVE IT!! :)

  6. Hep! Tosin tein tän jo viime viikolla =)

  7. I could definitely use a blog break (and computer break for that matter!) But I think i'll have to join you in a few weeks...
    x kat

  8. Yes, I'm in too, sometimes it's good to have a little break from it all.
    Have a great week ♥

  9. Huudan hep näin myöhään, kun olin jo sillä tauolla. Ja aion jatkaa vielä, tulin vaan pikaseen kurkkailemaan :)

  10. Anonymous6/04/2012

    great blog, I'll visit you. Please check out my new funpage. I would be very nice as you'll like it ;)

  11. Olen huutanut loppuvuoden ja kevään hep, hep :) On tehnyt hyvää. Blogi on taas ihan kiva harrastus. Ps. Tosi hienoja juttuja olet taas tehnyt. Ja upea homma se kirjaprojekti.

  12. Great idea! I think I'll do this the next week!

  13. voi miten kiva blogi sinulla on! jään seurailemaan :)


  14. Hep!
    I had two weeks of recently, and it felt wonderful. Now I`m not inspired anymore, so I will continu my pause I guess.... Thank you for saying to all bloggers what`s important!

  15. i actually had a long blog free month :)
    that was good. i can tell, and i'm acually not even sure if i really want to restart it all for real...

  16. Great idea! I don't write a blog, but having a week free from blog reading would be great for the creativity too!

  17. yep I'm in but in 2 weeks time, when my little family are at the cabin together. xx

  18. I think my kids have the same toy garage as your kids! and the room looks the same too! I have taken a whole month off blogging to clean and clear the house. Only my studio left, I have(unwisely) left the worst for last. Love your blog! Reyes XXX
